kisahnya remaja sekarang khabarnya lebih bimbang jika tidak menghupdate FB dari jika tidak membuat kerja sekolah! aku rasa bukan remaja shj yg mendapat sindrom ni, malah sama ramai dengan mereka2 yg tak berapa remaja pun! Adakah ini masalah baru yang memerlukan bantuan? Syukurlah aku tidak termasuk di dalam golongan itu. hehe!!
Aku sempat pulak search mengenai sindrom ini dan this is part of the findings:
Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) is a term introduced by US phychologists for those who are addicted to facebook and their life is really effected by their uncontrolled activities on Facebook.
Lynlee Howard-Payne, a psychology lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, said: “Addictive use of the Internet is a new phenomenon which many practitioners are unaware of and, subsequently, unprepared to treat. Use of Facebook is often a legitimate way of social networking, so abstinence may not be seen as a practical intervention thus it is recommended that there be moderation and controlled use.”
According to US psychologists the number of patients suffering from FAD are increasing. Not only in US but also millions of worldwide users may also be at risk as they search for long-lost friends and relatives, share photo albums and stay abreast of gossip.
Universities, schools and companies are forced to limit accessibility to Facebook because some people seem to be unable to perform other tasks if they have access to this online social network.
While Facebook is often a great way of maintaining both social and professional relationships, it seems to take on a destructive force with certain personalities.”
Ada perkara2 yg membawa faedah jika dilakukan dengan cara yang betul dan berpada2, namun boleh pula membawa padah jika menjadi keterlaluan dalam melaksanakannya. Oleh itu lebih baik bersederhanalah di dalam kebanyakan perkara. Renung2kan lah!
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