syukur Alhamdulillah malam tadi aku telah mengambil kereta ku yg ke 4...WVF lela2 : sedih jugaklah meninggalkan lela kat PJ tu... ucapan terimakasihku atas sumbanganmu ketika berada bersama keluarga kami lebih kurang empat tahun tu.
semasa aku di US satu ketika dulu (urusan kerja), aku ada menaiki kereta toyota dgn mat salleh customer service manager ni. Dia bawak kete manual (mereka panggil "stick") yg katanya ditempah khas kerana kete tu actually semuanya versi automatik. and he got to wait beberapa bulan for the car company to produce the car per his requirement, of course he got to pay some price for that! the car is his present for himself on his 40th bday! (at that time ; but he doesn't look 40 at all!). mamat ni bawak kete boleh tahan Schumacher jugaklah. at one time bila dia manage to undertake one car at quite a speed, he pat the dashboard and said "good boy greenhorse!"
aku tanya kat dia, "greenhorse?"
dan dia jawab, "Yaa, that's his name!" kete dia warna hijau muda.
then dia cakap lagi kat aku "you should give your car a name you know, you have one back home?"
"yes, i got one red car, i suppose i could give her a name!"
"yaa, you can name it "red apple!"
so pulang dari san diego, aku terus memberi nama "woody" to my car : 1st WDY woody, 2nd WLH teja, 3rd WQG lela. aku juga mula merasakan setiap kenderaanku (from my own hard earned income) adalah sebahagian dari keluarga dan ialah juga yg bersamaku setiap kali membawaku keluar mencari rezeki saban hari. semangat kami sentiasa ada bersama. setiap kereta dan nama mereka ada ceritanya tersendiri....
welcome home lela2!
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