June 7, 2010

*the URGENT requirement

My one and only assistant just got back to work after a long holiday. What a relief...For almost one a half week aku lekat di mejaku melayani all the incoming requisition from end-users.Nasib baik aku mempunyai alasan kukuh to only look at the urgent issues as priority : i have to cover for Ms N, please send me the critical requirement only.Yang paling pelik aku jumpa purchase requisition yg distamp urgent ialah untuk membeli barang2 keperluan pantry: Kopi, teh, susu, susu....! What the &@#+? macamana boleh jadi “urgent” tu?? Diaorang tu main belasah jer sampai kontang semua stok and suddenly realised “alamak! Sume daah abissss...? haiyoooo! Amat silap lah kalau aku nak layan permintaan penting tu!

Last year i penah came across the “urgent” request to purchase bendera Malaysia tiga empat hari sebelum 31hb Ogos.... memang sakit hati, tapi nak tak nak kena layan lah gak... sebab ini dah jadi masalah negara, kalau tak nanti ada yg bendera lusuh dan koyak terkibar2 depan plant... nama aku gak yg bakal busuk nanti...

Nasib baik my request to the CEO to get another assistant has been approved and the HR is currently looking into getting the suitable candidates to join my department. Was told the interview session will be held somewhere before end of the week.

I got this phone call around 5pm “ZAS, i need to drink my coffee, we need it asap! the PRF was sent to HQ last week!"

Yeah! rite.... Ms N will process it accordingly.

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